Friday, July 28, 2006

Fathers Day was a big event this year. We went out to Northwood Country Club for a brunch.

In attendance we had Mary and I, Bill, Liz and Mia came and brought Liz’s Mother Paula and her niece Sylvie (who was our first granddaughter).
Sam, Darlene, Steven, Jewel, Jessica and Sage, brought George and Ann, Darlene’s parents. We had a very nice meal and a good visit then we all went our separate ways.

I got a Georgia University shirt from Sam’s group and a European travel atlas from Bill’s family.

As we do each year, we went to Arkansas the weekend following Father’s Day for the Brady Family Reunion. Sam and Bill have started to go to the reunion the last two or three years. I have encouraged this because they are the only two of my Father’s grandchildren who have the Brady name. Unfortunately, at this time there are no Brady grandsons in my family so our branch of the Brady Tree may no longer extend the name after this generation. Sam, Bill and I caravanned down there so we all arrived at the same time.
Tom, my older brother, is the care taker at Wolf Creek Baptist Church Camp. Since we had eleven people in our group we decided to rent on of their cabins to stay in for the weekend. We had two sleeping rooms with a lot more beds than we needed.

Each sleeping room had a bath room with three toilets and three showers. In the center we had a living room and a kitchen. There was a small lake there where Bill and Steven did some fishing.

We even en had a little basketball game on the outdoor court there. I think that the consensus was that Liz is the player in the family.
We arrived on Friday night. On Saturday morning we went over to Dermott and had breakfast with Mary’s Brother Gene and his wife Irma at their restaurant.

Lynn, Mary’s brother Tommy’s widow and her two daughters were there with four of her grandsons. Mary’s sister Sheila and her husband Charlie came down from Missouri with two of their grandchildren, so we had a big group for breakfast.

They all knew that we had a short time to visit so they did not expect more than a two or three hour visit.

We enjoyed seeing them and Sam was glad that he had a chance to introduce his family to a few of the Carr side of the family
About 11:00 AM went over to my niece’s house outside of Hamburg. They live on a farm and have all kinds of animals and fowl. The kids got to pet cows, horses, chickens, ducks, guineas, and fed all of them. They saw baby chicks as they were being hatched out. They even got to feed catfish in the pond. That made Steven wish that he had brought his fishing pole.
After a couple of hours here we went to Hamburg. Each year on Saturday we have just a sibling dinner. This year we reserved the community room at the apartment complex where my Sister lives and invited all of the nieces and nephews, grandkids and great grandkids. (YES, WE ARE GETTING OLD). We ended up with slightly less than fifty there for supper. I saw some of my nephews who I had not seen for years.
That day was Darlene’s birthday. Liz made her a birthday cake, we sang Happy Birthday and she got to meet a lot of her new in-laws. One of my sisters did not come, but her son and daughter were there so Darlene met Most of my family. It must have been a little overwhelming. Later, after the cake was cut, my younger brother and my oldest sister held Darlene and gave her a birthday spanking. I’m not going to tell you how old she is, but fortunately they didn’t give her a swat for each year.
The next day was Sunday and we had the official Brady Reunion at the Promised Land Community Center. This was attended by offspring of all my Father’s siblings. My kids meet new cousins each year, because there are always some there who didn’t attend the year before. Sadly, there are always some missing who were there the year before. Our family has reached an age where health problems, and even death, affects our numbers each year. After this gathering Bill and Liz left for Atlanta. The rest of us stayed and left early on Monday morning.
We got back to Atlanta about 6:00 PM on Monday and had a busy week getting ready to leave for Europe on Friday June 30th. We found an RV storage place where we could leave our coach in a covered area connected to electricity. On Friday we stored our motor home, went to Bill’s house, and he and Mia took us to the airport. Bill kept our car at his house. We checked in, got our passports stamped for the first time ever, and were ready to go and see the world.

Fathers Day was a big event this year. We went out to Northwood Country Club for a brunch.

In attendance we had Mary and I, Bill, Liz and Mia came and brought Liz’s Mother Paula and her niece Sylvie (who was our first granddaughter).

I got a Georgia University shirt from Sam’s group and a European travel atlas from Bill’s family.

As we do each year, we went to Arkansas the weekend following Father’s Day for the Brady Family Reunion. Sam and Bill have started to go to the reunion the last two or three years. I have encouraged this because they are the only two of my Father’s grandchildren who have the Brady name. Unfortunately, at this time there are no Brady grandsons in my family so our branch of the Brady Tree may no longer extend the name after this generation. Sam, Bill and I caravanned down there so we all arrived at the same time.
Tom, my older brother, is the care taker at Wolf Creek Baptist Church Camp. Since we had eleven people in our group we decided to rent on of their cabins to stay in for the weekend. We had two sleeping rooms with a lot more beds than we needed.

Each sleeping room had a bath room with three toilets and three showers. In the center we had a living room and a kitchen. There was a small lake there where Bill and Steven did some fishing.

We even en had a little basketball game on the outdoor court there. I think that the consensus was that Liz is the player in the family.
We arrived on Friday night. On Saturday morning we went over to Dermott and had breakfast with Mary’s Brother Gene and his wife Irma at their restaurant.

Lynn, Mary’s brother Tommy’s widow and her two daughters were there with four of her grandsons. Mary’s sister Sheila and her husband Charlie came down from Missouri with two of their grandchildren, so we had a big group for breakfast.

They all knew that we had a short time to visit so they did not expect more than a two or three hour visit.

We enjoyed seeing them and Sam was glad that he had a chance to introduce his family to a few of the Carr side of the family

After a couple of hours here we went to Hamburg. Each year on Saturday we have just a sibling dinner. This year we reserved the community room at the apartment complex where my Sister lives and invited all of the nieces and nephews, grandkids and great grandkids. (YES, WE ARE GETTING OLD). We ended up with slightly less than fifty there for supper. I saw some of my nephews who I had not seen for years.