Thursday, July 27, 2006
Catch up for October, November and December 2005
We had a great trip to Alaska and we are really glad that we decided to do it with a Holiday Rambler RV Club Caravan. We made some good friends in the group of twenty couples who went with us, the time we used on our return trip was an adventure, but we did get all our problems solved with our Motor Home. That said, we are really glad to be back in Atlanta with our kids and grandkids. I got back into my senior golf group and even took a trip over to South Carolina to play golf in one of their
State Parks. That was a lot of fun and I won a little money. I think that we had about 24 guys on the trip.

Mary spent most of the time in the fall caring for Mia, Bill’s little girl. Bill was working on getting his basement finished so it would be available for guests who stayed at their house over the Christmas season. Mary stayed with Mia at their house, but several times Mia stayed over at our house. She is comfortable staying at our house and we love it. Some of the time during Bill’s painting sessions, I kept Mia while Liz and Mary helped Bill Paint trim. It is tough duty, but someone had to watch that girl.
We had some fun events during that time also. Just before Halloween, there was a party at Northwood Country Club. They had carnival type games for the kids, a hay ride on a tractor and wagon and lots of real neat decorations. They had a contest for the best costumes, but we could not get our girls interested in it Mia was too busy and Sage was a little shy. Sage went as a beautiful Witch and Mia was a Bumble Bee. I thought both of them should have won a prize!! After all the excitement, there was food and lots of neat crafts for the kids to do. They both made some things to take home; with a little help.
During the Thanksgiving Holidays Darlene came down to visit Sam and brought her children. We had met Darlene earlier, but the kids were new to us. Steven is eleven years old and Jessica and Jewel at the eight year old twin girls. We are all excited about the additions to our family and especially so after we met the people who are going to become our grandchildren. Bill, Liz and Mia went to Tennessee to have Thanksgiving with Liz’s family. The rest of us had Thanksgiving at Sam’s house.
Mary and I went over early in the morning so Mary and Darlene could cook dinner. I think that was a good bonding experience for Mary and her future daughter in law. The Atlanta Falcons were playing football so Steven, Sam and I had something to do while we waited for dinner the girls kept themselves busy with games and watching the football game. I’m not sure if they help with the cooking
or not. When the food was ready, Sam asked Steven if he would as the blessing. Steven offered a really great prayer that was touching to all of us. After dinner and when the football game ended, we went to the park and played for a while. The girls hit the play grounds and the guys played a little football. Sam and Steven both had Falcons jerseys and sideline caps. All I had was my old corduroy shirt. Steven even had his wide receiver gloves. Steven and I pretty well wore Sam out as he tried to defend Stevens’s pass patterns. We did get a demonstration of the girls tumbling and gymnastics ability toward the end of the afternoon. It was a great day for us to get to know our new family members.
In mid December we went out to Northwood Country Club for a Breakfast with Santa. Sam and
Sage and Liz and Mia went with Mary and I. We had a breakfast buffet and the kids got to go and visit with Santa. Mrs. Santa was there helping to get the kids lined us and taking care of business. Our girls were dressed in their finest and looking their best. They both looked special. I believe that that day was the first time I ever saw Mia pay attention to how she was dressed. She loved her dress and shoes, but the special thing that made here feel really pretty was her tights. She really felt like a big girl. You will notice, however, that there is a picture of Sage with Santa, but no picture of Mia with Santa. Mia was not at all sure what to think about that guy.
After the eating and picture taking there were crafts where the kids could make Christmas cards and trinkets to take home with them. We all had a good time.
The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas seemed to pass really fast. We have sort of established a tradition of having our gift exchange at Bill and Liz’s house since we are living in a
Motor Home and Sam’s house is not as large as Bill’s. All the Bradys are there and all of the Kings, Liz’s family, meet there on Christmas Eve and have supper then open gifts. Santa comes to see Mia and Sage at their homes and they see those gifts on Christmas morning. Sylvie, Liz’s niece has gotten a little too old for Santa. Mary and I have a special place in our heart for Sylvie. She was a surrogate granddaughter for us before our girls came. Now she is our oldest granddaughter. Next year we’ll have some other big grandkids.
After the gift exchange on Christmas Eve Mary and I went home with Sam and Sage and spent the night. We were there to see
what Santa left for Sage. After spending the morning there we went back to Bill’s and both families were there for Christmas dinner. We have shared Christmas with the Kings since Bill and Liz were married. The two families are very compatible and we have come to enjoy the season as one big family. Liz is loved as such an important part of the Brady family that her family had to become extended family to us. Her Sister Trish and her Brother Steve have lived in Atlanta for several years and seem just like our kids. Steve has moved to San Antonia, TX for a new job and Trish and Sylvie have been in Chattanooga, TN for the past year so it is always good to see them on special occasions. Tony and Paula, their parents, have come ba
ck to his parent’s home in Tennessee since his parents passed on.
When the day was over everyone went back to their homes. Mary and I packed our home up and prepared to leave for our winter location in Mesa AZ. We were ready to leave on the morning of Dec. 26th. Darlene, Steven, Jewel and Jessica came to Sam’s house on the night of the 25th. We met them for breakfast on our way out of Atlanta. They spent the week between Christmas and New Years with Sam. During that week there was a conscious of opinion that the date for their wedding should be moved up and later it was decided that they would marry on April 15, 2006. After visiting for a couple of hours on the 26th Mary and I departed for the d
eserts in Arizona.
Catch up for October, November and December 2005
We had a great trip to Alaska and we are really glad that we decided to do it with a Holiday Rambler RV Club Caravan. We made some good friends in the group of twenty couples who went with us, the time we used on our return trip was an adventure, but we did get all our problems solved with our Motor Home. That said, we are really glad to be back in Atlanta with our kids and grandkids. I got back into my senior golf group and even took a trip over to South Carolina to play golf in one of their
State Parks. That was a lot of fun and I won a little money. I think that we had about 24 guys on the trip.

Mary spent most of the time in the fall caring for Mia, Bill’s little girl. Bill was working on getting his basement finished so it would be available for guests who stayed at their house over the Christmas season. Mary stayed with Mia at their house, but several times Mia stayed over at our house. She is comfortable staying at our house and we love it. Some of the time during Bill’s painting sessions, I kept Mia while Liz and Mary helped Bill Paint trim. It is tough duty, but someone had to watch that girl.

During the Thanksgiving Holidays Darlene came down to visit Sam and brought her children. We had met Darlene earlier, but the kids were new to us. Steven is eleven years old and Jessica and Jewel at the eight year old twin girls. We are all excited about the additions to our family and especially so after we met the people who are going to become our grandchildren. Bill, Liz and Mia went to Tennessee to have Thanksgiving with Liz’s family. The rest of us had Thanksgiving at Sam’s house.

Mary and I went over early in the morning so Mary and Darlene could cook dinner. I think that was a good bonding experience for Mary and her future daughter in law. The Atlanta Falcons were playing football so Steven, Sam and I had something to do while we waited for dinner the girls kept themselves busy with games and watching the football game. I’m not sure if they help with the cooking

In mid December we went out to Northwood Country Club for a Breakfast with Santa. Sam and

The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas seemed to pass really fast. We have sort of established a tradition of having our gift exchange at Bill and Liz’s house since we are living in a

After the gift exchange on Christmas Eve Mary and I went home with Sam and Sage and spent the night. We were there to see

When the day was over everyone went back to their homes. Mary and I packed our home up and prepared to leave for our winter location in Mesa AZ. We were ready to leave on the morning of Dec. 26th. Darlene, Steven, Jewel and Jessica came to Sam’s house on the night of the 25th. We met them for breakfast on our way out of Atlanta. They spent the week between Christmas and New Years with Sam. During that week there was a conscious of opinion that the date for their wedding should be moved up and later it was decided that they would marry on April 15, 2006. After visiting for a couple of hours on the 26th Mary and I departed for the d