Sunday, February 12, 2006

02/04/06 Saturday
I talked to my son, Sam, for about an hour this afternoon. During the conversation he motivated me to catch this log up to date and begin posting to our blog periodically. I will attempt to summarize the last few months in a series of short entries and try not to bore you to death. I’m writing this in February so forgive me if the detail is a little bit fuzzy as I address events from last fall.
09/09/06 through Mid-October
We left in the morning as planned. We wanted to be sure that we made it to the border crossing before dark. I think that our drive that day was perhaps the most beautiful scenery we saw on the entire trip. British Columbia is a beautiful Province.
After we had driven a couple of hours we decided that we were read for breakfast. We entered a small town and started looking for a place large enough to park our rig. That is the most important consideration in our restaurant selection. We found a place and as we pulled into the lot we saw a familiar Motor Home so we pulled over and parked beside it and went inside. Sure enough it was our friends Faye and Stan Guiles from Hattisbu

After that stop we passed through scenery that was unbelievable. I guess for about 40 or 50 miles we drove through the Frazier River Canyon. It was raining and the clouds covered some of the mountains, but Mary got a lot of pictures. We followed the river and in many places the canyon was just wide enough for the river, the road and a railroad. Some places there were tunnels through the mountains because there was not room enough for all three. I think we wen

As we left this shop we saw another familiar vehicle. It was Francy and Bill Garrett from Coral Springs, FL. We visited with them awhile and resumed our journey. We got through the border alright and went on until we got to Interstate 5. When we got to the first town with a Wal-Mart we pulled into their parking lot to sleep. Shortly after we got there Bill and Francy drove in. Without discussing it we had both decided to stay in the parking lot at Wal-Mart. As we were discussing where to eat supper a guy came and gave us a paper telling us we could not overnight there. I had never heard of a Wal-Mart not welcoming RV’ers to overnight. Mary checked her Next Exit book and found a rest area on the Interstate so we drove there and dry camped. Bill and Francy were parked beside us so we did not worry much about security because they have a Doberman that weighs about 100 lbs.
We left while Bill and Francy were still sleeping the next morning. We traveled through Washington and Oregon and into northern CA. I have to tell you, the mountains in Southern Oregon and Northern California are not the highest which we crossed, but they were perhaps the toughest pull we had on the trip. Our coach handled them fine. That 400 HP Cummings is a powerful engine. We decided that we would drive until dark and dry camp in a Flying J Truck stop that night. When we were just South of Redding, CA we heard a lot of horn blowing and Bill passed us. I did not have our CB on and they were trying to reach us. I turned on the radio and we talked about our plans to stop at the Flying J so they decided to stop with us. We were on our way to Fresno and they were going to San Francisco to meet their kids. We went into the restaurant at the truck stop to eat supper. While we were at the buffet, Bill told me that they had caught up to us three times and if they caught us again we had to adopt them. Fortunately our routes of travel separated a few miles down the road. We got to Fresno about noon to visit Mary’s sister Lois who we visited on our trip up to Canada. Lois had been taking treatments for Lung Cancer and she was very ill for three or four months. We stayed about a week at their house. The last day we were in Fresno, Mary went to the Dr. with Lois for a scan. We got a call about three days later with the news that the cancer was no larger, had not spread and appeared to have become encapsulated. Everyone was very relieved, and we still are because she gets a scan about every month and the cancer is smaller and she appears to be in remission.