Saturday, August 27, 2005
08/15/08 Monday and 08/16/08 Tuesday - Anchorage to Kenai
08/15/05 Monday and 08/16/05 Tuesday
We were in the last group to leave the campground for our trip from Anchorage to Kenai. We traveled with Billie and Jaye Lundrigan. Billie is our Tail gunner, a factory trained mechanic who is always in the last group to go. He stays behind everyone so if there is mechanical trouble he can help out. That is a good feeling of security as we travel.
We followed a highway that ran along the Turnagain Arm of the Cook Inlet. This morning the tide is out so the Arm is just a mud flat. We were told that the tide here is thirty-three feet, so the water comes up a lot. When the tide is in this is a favorite feed spot for the Beluga Whales. Billie said he had seen hundreds of them at a time feeding in the shallow water of the Arm. Needless to say we didn’t see any whales today.
We did not have any excitement on the trip. We got to our campground
early and got set up. We rode our bikes and explored a little. In the late afternoon we had a dinner, which was prepared for us by Kenaitze Indian Tribe and served, at their Elder Center; like Senior citizen centers at home. The food was good and we had a couple of women representatives of the tribe who spoke to us about the tribe and their home, customs and activities. The have a strong concern because their young people are losing the language and customs of the people. One of the ladies taught the language in the schools.
There is a great deal of Russian influence still evident in this section of Alaska. We saw some Russian Orthodox churches and an old cemetery. A lot of the nearby towns and villages have Russian names.
On Tuesday the 16th, our group had a fishing trip. We did not go, but a large group went salmon fishing. I think they all caught their limit except one. Mary and I tried to start working on our blog. This is the first time we have really experimented with it. We will eventually get it going.
Mary bought her a really pretty jacket in the gift shop in the park.

We followed a highway that ran along the Turnagain Arm of the Cook Inlet. This morning the tide is out so the Arm is just a mud flat. We were told that the tide here is thirty-three feet, so the water comes up a lot. When the tide is in this is a favorite feed spot for the Beluga Whales. Billie said he had seen hundreds of them at a time feeding in the shallow water of the Arm. Needless to say we didn’t see any whales today.
We did not have any excitement on the trip. We got to our campground

There is a great deal of Russian influence still evident in this section of Alaska. We saw some Russian Orthodox churches and an old cemetery. A lot of the nearby towns and villages have Russian names.

Mary bought her a really pretty jacket in the gift shop in the park.